Friday, March 22, 2013


Passage is the most complicated, without a clue of what to do game. i replay this game like 5 times, first i walked straight down until i bumped into a "blurry female" then a heart appears around us, and i walk for 5 minutes( then my computer crash) i restarted my computer and went down this time, through a maze type, i saw a few different color stuff with out a clue of what they were. sorry but this game doesn't make much sense to me.


This is a very well see through and created game, i most say its a game that's played under timing, pressure and luck, when playing this game with a partner, your partner or even you, might not be able to draw very well so you have to keep a watching eyes on details of you partner and other players drawing to get a idea of what they trying to illustrate you really have to think hard and think at random.  Even thou my team didn't won(second place), i think it was a great game it can be frustrating for players who isn't familiar with some of the place,people or things that is asked to illustrated. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Tsuro is a board game in which support two to eight players. Each player takes their turn by selecting a tile from their hands, and places the tile on the board to build a path, that begin at the edge of the board and travels around the board. The objective of the game is to travel the path and to avoid ending your journey at the edge of the game board, and to be the last remaining piece in the play area.
my experience was good for the first time, but the second round wasn't so good. this game is base on luck in a sense, you can lose or die with your first move, i wouldn't say this is my favorite game, i do like the graphic of the board though.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

#Dixit#GAME 17.

one of my worse experience since, i was last place in this game. it was a fun game though. 
Each player starts the game with 6 random cards. Players then take turns being the storyteller. The player whose turn it is to be the storyteller looks at the 6 cards in his hand then choose one, then makes up a sentence or phrase and says it out loud (without showing the card to the other players).
The other players then take one of the cards among their 6 cards in their hands, one that best matches the sentence made up by the storyteller.
Then, each player gives their selected card to the storyteller, without showing it to the other players. The storyteller shuffles his chosen card with all the cards he received from all the cards. All pictures are then shown face up, randomly, and every player has to bet upon what picture was the storyteller's.
material (selection)
If nobody or everybody finds the correct picture, the storyteller scores 0, and each of the other players scores 2. Otherwise the storyteller and whoever found the correct answer scores 3. Players other than the storyteller score 1 point for each vote their own picture receives.
The game ends when the card deck is empty. The player with the highest point total wins the game.


what?? is a question base game, in which questions are asked and you have to write down what you would do, and it can me truthful or funny, it can be supported up to 12 players/people. players would the decided who was more funner or bring forth the realest answer in a sense.

Friday, March 8, 2013


This is a very time consuming and interesting board game, and most difficult game to explain. Players build settlements, cities, and roads to connect them as they settle the island, supports up to 4 players,The game board representing the island is composed of hexagonal tiles (hexes) of different land types which are laid out randomly at the beginning of each game, which have numbers on each different land types, and when shake the dice, the number you shake might help you depending on the area you at,to gain cards which can then be traded or use to buy other cards from the bank. There is also a thief which allow players to steal from each other, just place it on the boundary where the player you going to rob from. also when you shake a 7 you can rob other players as well.
 The game consist of  2 dice (1 yellow, 1 red) several Development Cards and Knight Cards and of several boundaries/different land type: several harbor piece, lumbers/wood, rocks/stone, wheat, bricks and lams/sheep's. They are several Road pieces,settlement pieces and cites pieces to help you gain points and territory. The overall goal of the game is to reach 10 points first.There are 2 special cards which also helps you with overall goal "“Longest Road which worth 5 points ” & “Largest Army”.

Friday, March 1, 2013


This game is a very interesting game, it’s a board game and the board is a medieval landscape, which is built by the players as the game progresses. Each player have to pick up a tile which is face down, The game starts with a single landscape tile face up and about a 100 others shuffled face down for each player to draw from. On each turn a player draws a new tile and places it bordering to tiles that are already facing up on the board. The new tile must be placed in a way that extends features on the tiles it touches; the roads must connect to roads, the fields to fields, and the cities to cities. You have 6-7 avatars you have place on the board after you play a tile, and this is to secure your grounds.  


This is a game from the 1980 games website, i tried to open a few other and they was out of date, this is the first game that opened for play. which is a online base computer game and it is quite difficult to play and stay focus due to the complication of different keys you have to use to play the game, you have to use both hands and at least six fingers to play  this game. i'm really not a fan of computer games, i'm not as flexible as most players with my hands, but i must say, this game was put together very well.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Cartagena is a race game in which support up to 6 players with 6 avatars each. You use cards to advance, but you have to go backwards to gain more cards. The trick then becomes to use your cards at the right time, which feels a bit like a puzzle and but more fun when you have confuse players playing against. it is more fun to play with a timer in a sense,i would highly recommend everyone to get this game its a friend and family game or for people relatively new to gaming.

Friday, February 22, 2013

#UP THE RIVER (Race to the Harbor)#GAME 11#

This is a board game that support up to 3 players, and each player have 3 boats, this game require the player to get their boats up the river. This game is played with a die and it has some rules to it as well, if you shook a 6 you can either pull down a player (boat) to their lowest point or pull up yourself to your highest player (boat) o if you cant do either one you cant move. The goal is to get up the river as fast as possible, each time all three player shook the river gets closer to them, meaning they closer to death. There are also disadvantages and advantage to this game, there is a sandbar that basically stops you until your other turn to roll, the advantage to this game is, there is a high tide and if you land on it it push you up 3 move putting you closer to the harbor. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

#Get The Glass#GAME#10.

this game is well put together.Your mission is to help the milk-deprived Adachi family navigate and survive all five regions of the board, break into Fort Fridge and get the glass. and you have to do so carefully. because police/security is hot on your tail. To begin the game,you have to roll the dice. The Adachi van will drive to the corresponding unit you shook. when playing this game, you meet "pure speed, timing, precision , time pressure and avoidance"you have the police and other draw back that sometimes help you go forth or bring you back closer to the security. i had to place flowers in the daughter or mother(dont remember which one)  hair within 30 seconds to hide her identity from the security, when i got to the section where i have to navigate thru a yard full of box,which is like a maze or puzzle, i constantly have to press the space bar to get rid of the blurriness. i then reach to Fort Frdige where i have to enter these numbers "6,97,31,52,8" into the lock to open the door, i then ask kindly "can i please get the glass".GAME OVER.

#Mexican Trains#GAME#9

This game is game Mexican Train. its a domino game but a more complex and sort of fun game than the french domino or the Jamaican version.
 The player who has the 12-12 begins the first game by placing it in the center of the table. The second game will be started by the 11-11 and so on downwards to the double blank for the 13th game. If no one has the double required to start, players draw equally from the bone-yard until it is found. with this game, you can join "trains", meaning you can place you domino anywhere there is an open or mark train, and this is known by the mark a player put on top of there dominoes, if a player don't have a place play, then the player have to mark their train to make it available to other players. the game is win when a player place all their cards on the board, and the goal is to get rid of all the big number cards in your hand, because at the end of each game player have to count up how many point or unit they count.

#Trans America#GAME#8

Trans America is a board game, in which each player get up to five cities, and you can do so by joining the train. it is a very interesting game, but you have to constantly looking where you at on the board and where you can make the next move to get closer to the cities on you cards. This games sort of  reminds me of another board game,"up the ladder". The game is played until one or more players reach zero points when the player with the most points remaining wins. Each player, beginning with the starting player and proceeding clockwise, then they would place their starting marker. The game goes on with each player, again in the same order, placing two points worth of track per turn. Crossing a river or mountain costs two points to build a track, and plains cost one point; unused building points may not be saved. The players may build from any track that can be traced back to his starting marker, including track that was built by other players.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


This is a game in which you use precision to play. it was a very interesting game, even though my experience was not has predicted, i wasn't in my game mode that day but anyways, with this game you use your fingers to play, its also a game in which you have to stand in order to have a better chance of winning. Its a game in which you also uses your common sense,you have to focus when playing this game. This game is a very fun and challenging game.
We came up with our own rules in a sense, so the rules were very simple; if you bounce any other players off the track you go back and lose your turn, and you can also jump  across the track (if you have the skill).

Saturday, February 2, 2013


This card games is one that is quite revolutionary. When playing this game it have a unusual feature to it in which you cannot rearrange your hand, as you need to play the cards in the order that you draw them I must say this is one of the most confusing games I have played so far, I didn't understand the whole concept of the game until the final round. I basically had to watch and learn. To help players match their cards up, the game features extensive trading and deal making, which you have to trade cards to match up and gain points. But though I didn't have a clue what I was doing in the first round, in the end I had a good experience.


This is a short Digital game, that can be beaten in less than 5 minutes, after killing that Big Monster looking creature you win the game and then this song with  horrible lyrics and tune comes on. Not the best game!


This game is call Abandon ship # monkey lab...First time playing this game, I must say I was a little confused on what to do at first, and then I catch up in the second round. Rules/role of game: the first rat to the reach the top die, so only the 2nd, 3rd and 4th rats to the deck score points. On the way to the surface you can pick up cheese for some extras points. The game can support up to 7 players, if I’m not mistaking, it is played with 8 dice, and each time a player roll the dices, you move and if the dice that you selected doesn't have a circle around the side turned up/showing, you have to take it out, so each time a player roll? More likely you have to eliminate a dice. The white dice is sort of bad luck to players. Etc...


Star Bound is a digital game; its a computer game where you use the arrow keys to play. this game takes a lot of focus and persistent to play, the music in the back ground will put you to sleep. i try to play this game for about 20-30 minutes and could not pass 630 points, it's not really my type of game to play but as i was about to quit my little cousin ask for a change to play and he actually beat my score in one try. we then took turns and i went up to 1092. i try to get all the bubbles i can, because the bubbles give you wings it takes effort and finger skills to play this game using just the keyboard.


LABYRINTH. very fun game. one of the most interesting board game to play with a group of friends, and it is even more interesting when you have time limits, when you have to think fast and wisely. this game is like sequence, you have to play to win and block at the same it is best to play in groups even tho with sequence you cant tell your team mat where to play..this game is a good interacting board game."better thinker with good eyes win" (in my opinion its also based on quick thinking and luck)


The sequence game. it was my  first time playing this game and first i was thinking to myself"i hate board games..and i really don't want to play",but it wasn't that bad and my experience was great.(mainly because my team won,twice). its a great game in which can get people together.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


#BLOOD-BATH#Did a little more coloring to it..(i know there is a lot of work need to be done to it)just showing my progress.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013



I add a little coloring to it.


#BLOOD-BATH#Is a new Concept Art i'm currently working on. its about a MERCENARY, who have been mislead by his government into a war he have no knowledge of. he was then left to fight for his life and find his way home on his own. he then plan to take revenge against all who took part in it.#CRITIQUE PLEASE !!


This is a concept art piece i'm working on. its about a fighter/boxer, fighting in honor of his wife. he is a heavy weight champion who fought against some of the greatest fighters to ever fight, this is a fictional story.  ....#CRITIQUE PLEASE!>>>.tell me your honest opinions.